Thoughts on Curriculum System Construction of Human Capital Resource Management Majors 人力资源管理专业主干课程体系建设的思考
Statistical description shows capital resource of listed agribusinesses: external capital is mainly obtained by access to stock market, next the financial institutions and commercial credit, and little by bond market. 通过描述性统计分析,本文得到了农业上市公司资金来源:农业上市公司的外部资金主要通过股票市场获得,其次通过金融机构和商业信用获得短期负债,而通过债券市场获得的资金十分有限。
Practicing two-way management of income and expenditure in enterprises especially group companies is beneficial to allocation of capital resource, capital use by reasonable dispatching it, and the strengthening of control of branch companies. 企业特别是集团公司实行收支双轨制管理有利于资金资源的配置,合理调度和使用资金及加强对分公司的财务管理。
The investment and financing for information industry is the vital capital resource for its sustainable development and a great drive for it. Whereas, the full play of the function depends on proper strategy in investment and financing of the industry. 信息产业投融资是信息产业持续发展的重要资本来源,对信息产业发展具有巨大的推动作用,而这种作用的充分发挥有赖于选择恰当的信息产业投融资策略。
For a long time, the main capital resource of the real estate enterprises is the bank loan, while enterprises themselves have a small part of capital, and the real estate financial system structure is simplex. 长期以来,房地产企业的主要资金来源就是银行贷款,自有资金只占很小的一部分,房地产金融体系结构单一。
Ecological Environment is a non-replaceable capital resource, and a good ecological environment is the basis on which a nation can develop healthily and steadily. 生态环境是一种不可替代的资本,良好的生态环境是一个国家获得健康、稳定发展的基础;
The different combination and allocation for the capital resource result in different capital structure, capital cost, benefit confliction, and financial risk, which affect the market value of the corporation. 选题背景及研究意义不同资金来源的组合配置产生不同的资本结构,并导致不同的资金成本、利益冲突及财务风险,进而影响到公司的市场价值。
The characteristics of the present source of venture capital in China are that corporation capital becomes main source, and venture capital from financial institutions is insufficient. The huge capital resource of financial institutions like banks is not fully employed. 中国目前风险资本来源的特征是企业资金成为主要来源,其中来源于金融机构的风险资本较少,银行等金融机构的巨大资金资源未在风险投资市场中发挥作用。
Theory for the Way of International Technological Transfer Based on the View of Capital Resource 基于资源观点的国际技术转移方式选择理论
In this article, the author introduces two basic methods: adjusting deposit of capital and gross capital. Cost of capital-enterprises 'value analysis is the best way in capital resource structure decision. 调整资本存量和资本总量是优化资本来源结构的两种基本途径,资本成本&企业价值分析法是最佳资本来源结构决策的最佳方法。
This article mainly discuss some problems, such as capital scale, capital resource, system renewal and how utilize trust fund attracting the civilian capital. 本文主要讨论我国风险投资在资本规模和资金来源结构两方面存在的问题,重点探讨如何进行制度创新,利用信托基金这种运作机制来吸引民间资本发展风险投资。
Trust industry distorted the financial market; there were many drawbacks in trust industry operating area, such as capital resource, financial investment and internal management system; 中国信托业严重扰乱金融市场的正常运行,并且在自身的资金来源、资金运用和内部管理制度等诸多方面存在着严重弊端。
This paper aims to point out the result of the comparation of the accounted management for the foreign in-vestment between higher schools and enterprises from the purpose, type, capital resource, investment cost and benefits standards of their foreign investment. 从高等学校与企业对外投资的目的和形式、对外投资的资金来源和对外投资成本及收益确认标准等方面在会计核算与账务处理上进行比较。
Rapid development of high-tech revolution has attracted the attention of many countries. Nowadays, it has pushed the expansion of competition from natural resource and capital resource to human resource. 世界高新技术革命和进步的浪潮,已把世界各国的经济发展从自然资源竞争、资本资源竞争推向人力资源竞争。
In 21 th century, human resources are the most important, and the competition of enterprises has turned from capital resource into human one. 21世纪,人力资源是最保贵的资源,全球企业间的竞争已由资本和资源的竞争转向了人才的竞争;
Then I introduce three basic theories about corporate governance: the agent theory, the capital resource theory and the insider-control theory. Each of them has its own advantage. 其次,分析论述了公司治理的两个基本理论,包括委托&代理理论和内部人控制理论。
High-technology industry's development in developed country shows that it needs a special financing method-venture capital as its capital resource. 发达国家的经验表明,高新技术产业的发展要有一种与其相适应的新的融资渠道&风险投资。
Now there have been some necessary conditions that are benefit to develop Opened-end Fund in China, such as: nicer macro economic environment, the upstanding security market, the mature investor, the enormous capital resource, etc. 指出了中国发展开放式基金已经具备的必要条件,如:良好的宏观经济环境,日渐完善的证券市场,具有成熟的投资理念的投资人,庞大的资金来源等;
The utilization result of rare capital resource depends on enterprise's investment, financing and capital operation, so it is an important subject to carry on a research to enterprise's capital operation. 企业对资本这项稀缺资源利用的效果就取决于企业资本运营行为,所以对企业资本运营问题进行研究是一个重要的课题。
Talent resource rather than natural resource and capital resource has become the strategic resource. 战略资源已由自然资源、资本资源转变为人才资源。
In the era of knowledge economy, primary global competition of nature resource and capital resource is turning into competition of human resource and human capital. 知识经济时代,全球范围内的竞争由原来的自然资源和资本资源的竞争,转向了人力资源和人力资本的竞争。
The new technology revolution around the world promotes human society to the knowledge economy age from industry economy age. Thereby the competition in the world has turned to human resource competition from natural and capital resource competition. 全球范围内的新技术革命推动人类社会从工业经济时代迈向知识经济时代,全球范围内的竞争也由原来的自然资源和资本资源为主转向对人力资源的竞争。
Item Three is the legal supervision on capital resource of private fund. the main point focus on before and after of establishment of private fund. 第三节对私募基金资金来源进行法律监管,主要集中在私募基金设立时和私募基金设立后资金来源的监管。
All the technological achievements are the results of the input of some certain labor force and capital resource. New technological development and applications should not be separated from investment. 任何一项技术成果都是投入一定的人力资本和资源等的产物,新的技术开发和应用都离不开投资活动。
Usually financial resource includes money resource, capital resource, intuitional organization resource and commodity resource. 金融资源一般包括货币资源、资本资源、制度资源和商品资源。
How to get more social capital resource support, exerting rural community-self function, and satisfy the community residents 'needs of material and sprit. 如何通过社会资本获得更多的资源性的支持,发挥社区保障自身的功能,满足社区内居民生产和生活中物质和精神的需求。
The stock market plays an important role in the economy. It could transfer the money from low-efficiency area to high-efficiency area automatically, and optimize the capital resource. 股票市场在社会经济中发挥着重要的作用,它可以自动的将资金由低效率领域转移到高效率领域,从而实现资源的有效配置。
Thus construct the analytical framework of corporate social capital resource development business model innovation, on this basis, recommendations on how to improve the business model innovation, promote the healthy development of enterprises with a certain reference value. 由此构建了企业社会资本对资源开发型商业模式创新的分析框架,在此基础上,对企业如何改进商业模式创新提出建议,对促进企业健康发展具有一定的参考价值。
As we all know, an efficient security market can push the limited capital resource to the most efficient industries and enterprises, regulate supply and demand, realize the rational distribution of resources, promote economic development. 众所周知,高效率的证券市场能够将有限的资金导向效率最高的行业和企业中去,调剂余缺,实现资源的优化配置,促进经济发展。
Due to poor data of capital resource and operational risk loss, we can not conduct exact management of operational risk according to Basel II, so as to increase the investment return and to enhance the competitiveness of domestic banks. 我国银行业由于资本来源和操作风险损失数据严重匮乏,目前还无法按照新巴塞尔资本协议的规定对操作风险进行更精确的管理,获得因完善、精确管理带来的投资回报,进而提高竞争力。